
Pushchair Buying Guide

A pushchair will be one of your most vital purchases but they can be expensive. Read our guide to make sure that you find one that will meet your needs and your budget. Keep in mind your needs, your baby’s needs and your lifestyle.

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The different types of pushchair

  • Combinations – This type of multi-pushchair will allow you to attach different items directly to the chassis. Often has fully reclining seat that can convert to a padded pram. Depending on the type of pushchair you choose to suit your needs, you can create separately or together, a pram or pushchair, carry cot, travel system or travel chair.
  • Pushchairs and Buggies – This forward facing pushchair allows your child to explore their surroundings. Some pushchairs are travel system compatible and can be used as a rear facing pram by adding a carrycot. Buggies are lightweight making them easy to use, fold and store. Perfect for holidays or as a second pushchair. Similar to pushchairs but they cannot be used with a combination travel system.
  • Twin – Double trouble? Twin pushchairs provide a comfy ride for twins and siblings of a similar age.
  • 3 Wheelers – Great for walking the city streets or strolling up a country lane. This pushchair is easy to steer, many have air tyres for a smooth comfortable ride and some are travel system compatible.

You will need to check the age suitability for all pushchairs.

With the wide range of pushchairs out there you can have the pick of the bunch when it comes to choosing the right one. As a mum or dad-to-be you should be considering if you travel by car, whether a pushchair that fits easily into the boot could make things a little easier. If you are travelling by public transport something that is lightweight and easy to fold will help you out. And think about the day to day activities your pushchair will face. Do you have to climb steps, use a lift or fit through narrow doors?

Don’t forget about where it will be stored in your house, a pushchair that slots away neatly could maximise your space.